Common Types Of Birth Injuries And How A Lawyer Can Help
Generally, these injuries result from maternal or fetal health issues or difficult labor and delivery. They can also be caused by medical negligence on the part of doctors, nurses, and midwives.
Treatments include medication, assistive devices, therapists, and surgeries. For example, a child with Erb’s Palsy or cerebral palsy can receive physical therapy to help them develop and refine their motor skills. Contact Atlanta Birth Injury Lawyer to learn more.

Brain Injury
There are numerous birth injuries resulting from brain damage, including permanent debilitating conditions like cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury. These issues can occur due to maternal conditions, difficult labor, and medical malpractice. Depending on the type of birth injury and the severity, symptoms may change over time improve, worsen, or disappear altogether.
The most common types of brain-related birth injuries are due to oxygen deprivation or lack of blood flow in the brain. The resulting symptoms range from mild to severe and can impact every aspect of your child’s life.
Other birth injuries include meconium aspiration syndrome, which occurs when an infant breathes stool into its lungs during delivery. This can lead to respiratory problems or even death in some cases. Infant torticollis is caused by pressure on the infant’s neck and head during the delivery process. The result is a tilted or twisted head and can be the cause of other birth injuries like Erb’s palsy or Cerebral Palsy.
Other physical birth injuries include brachial plexus injury, which affects the nerves that control movement in the shoulder, arm, and hand. This condition can occur in up to 2.5 out of 1,000 births. Heavier infants, those born in the breech position, or during an assisted delivery are more likely to suffer from this type of birth injury. Some children with brachial plexus injury need treatment, but most recover on their own or with therapy.
Erb’s Palsy
A network of nerves in the neck called the brachial plexus provides movement and sensation to the arms. An injury to this system can cause weakness or paralysis in the shoulder or arm. It often results from medical errors during delivery. In most cases, a child’s Erb’s palsy is temporary and resolves itself within three months. However, severe or prolonged damage to the nerves can result in permanent disability and affect a child’s daily activities.
This condition is most likely to occur during a difficult labor or a vaginal breech birth. It can also happen if the doctor has to shift the baby’s head to one side as it emerges from the birth canal or pushes too hard to get a stubborn infant out of the birth canal.
These movements can strain the shoulders and stretch the brachial plexus nerves. The least severe type of this condition is known as neurapraxia, which means the nerves are stretched but not torn or damaged. The more serious types of Erb’s palsy are those that cause permanent weakness or paralysis of the shoulder and arm.
A lawyer who is skilled in birth injury law can help parents pursue monetary compensation to cover treatment expenses. This can include physical therapy, medication, surgery, and other costs. An attorney can also hold negligent medical professionals accountable to prevent them from harming other children in the future.
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is a severe type of birth injury that affects the parts of your child’s brain that control movement, posture, balance, and other motor functions. In some cases, this is caused by a problem with the skull or brain tissue that develops in the first few days or weeks after your child’s delivery. In other cases, it is the result of medical malpractice or negligence by a healthcare professional in the delivery room.
Symptoms of cerebral palsy include trouble moving, difficulty with posture, and sometimes seizures or speech problems. These symptoms may also impact your child’s emotions or self-esteem. Many things can cause a birth injury, such as problems with the uterus, the umbilical cord, or the brain. However, many of these injuries are preventable if the healthcare team follows standard procedures during the labor and delivery process.
The good news is that most birth injuries are temporary, and many babies improve on their own after a few weeks. However, other birth injuries can have permanent effects, such as Erb’s palsy or spinal cord injury. These can lead to significant challenges, even if your child’s condition improves with treatment. Getting help from an experienced lawyer is often the best way to protect your family’s interests and ensure you receive compensation for your child’s care. A free case review is the first step in finding out how a lawyer can help you.
Spinal Cord Injury
Injuries to a newborn’s spinal cord can be extremely severe. These injuries are typically caused by traction or twisting during labor and delivery that puts pressure on the spinal cord. When this happens, it can lead to nerve damage that causes paralysis and disability.
Heavier babies have a greater chance of experiencing this type of injury due to the difficulty they have in exiting the birth canal. They also have an increased risk of shoulder dystocia and other complications that can cause this type of injury.
Spinal cord injuries can also happen when the mother’s pelvis has an abnormal shape that makes it difficult to deliver a baby. Other risks include prolonged labor and the use of forceps during the delivery process.
Other common physical birth injuries include fractures and nerve damage. Fractures may include the clavicle (colloquially called “the collar bone”), femur, and ribs. The most common fracture is a clavicle fracture that occurs in up to 15 per 1,000 live births. Nerve damage, such as facial nerve and brachial plexus injuries, is more common and is often associated with a traumatic birth. These types of injuries are sometimes caused by medical malpractice, which includes negligence in recognizing and responding to fetal distress, improperly diagnosing the condition, or using delivery instruments too forcefully. A consultation with a lawyer can help you determine whether your child’s birth injury was avoidable and could have been prevented.
Shoulder Dystocia
Shoulder dystocia happens when the baby’s shoulder becomes stuck inside the mother’s pelvic bone during delivery. It is a serious problem that can lead to major complications for both the mother and the child if not handled properly. Most doctors recognize this issue right away and provide immediate medical intervention so that the baby can be safely delivered. However, if a doctor fails to act quickly enough or acts negligently during this difficult process, both the mother and baby can suffer severe injuries that may last for life.
One of the most common signs of shoulder dystocia is that the baby’s head retracts like that of a turtle, which is known as the “turtle sign.” This is an emergency because the infant cannot breathe unless the obstetrician can release the anterior shoulder from the mother’s pubic bone. If the obstetrician fails to do so, the baby can die from oxygen deprivation.
In addition, excessive force during delivery can stretch and damage the upper brachial plexus nerves, which supply the motor and sensory components of the arm, hand, and fingers. This is a permanent injury that causes numbness, tingling, and pain in the affected area for the rest of the patient’s life. Doctors can reduce the risk of this injury by avoiding using pitocin (a synthetic form of oxytocin) to induce labor and speed up delivery. They should also avoid using forceps and vacuum extraction during the birthing process, which can increase the chance of shoulder dystocia.
Birth Trauma
Some birth injuries are minor, but others can be very serious and cause lifelong complications. These can affect the child’s ability to move, feel, and use their body. They can also have a long-term impact on the mother, and the entire family.
A spinal cord injury interrupts the signals that allow a baby to control their limbs. This can cause the muscles in their arms and hands to weaken. Generally, these injuries are due to a doctor pulling on the neck and head too hard during delivery.
Babies may have spinal cord injuries due to being born in a breech position, having too much weight, and undergoing a Cesarean section. In these cases, the doctors need to be careful not to pull too hard, as this can lead to spinal cord damage.
The brachial plexus nerves send signals to the hand, arm, and shoulder. If these are injured, a child might have Erb’s palsy (brachial plexus palsy). This condition causes partial paralysis in the arm and shoulder. Most children make a full recovery with the help of physical and occupational therapy.
Depending on maternal and infant conditions, as well as external factors like medical negligence, some birth injuries are more severe than others. Some are caused by direct trauma to the brain, while others are due to a lack of oxygen during the birthing process, known as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Other common birth injuries include spinal cord and shoulder dystocia.
Mastering Pest Control: The Fundamentals
Pests are unwanted organisms that damage or degrade crops, food stores, landscapes, lawns and gardens. They also negatively affect the surrounding wildlife ecosystems.

To prevent pest infestations, keep your house hygienic and clean, seal cracks around walls, trim trees and bushes to prevent them from overhanging structures, and regularly inspect and empty garbage cans. Visit to learn more.
Identifying pests is one of the first steps in pest control. It’s important to correctly identify pests because management tactics such as prevention, suppression or eradication are most effective when applied at the right stage of the pest’s life cycle. Many species of insects and rodents change in appearance as they develop from eggs to larvae to adulthood, making them look very different at each stage. Mistakes in identification can result in poorly chosen management tactics that waste time and money, or worse yet, may cause unintended side effects such as harming beneficial organisms or other plants.
Proper identification also enables you to learn as much as possible about the pest’s biology and ecology. This knowledge will help you better understand the conditions that favor its development and behavior, as well as procedures for its prevention or control.
If you are unable to identify the pest you have encountered, we recommend contacting your local MMPC or Cornell Cooperative Extension office for assistance. If you are unable to bring in a physical specimen, the MMPC’s free Pest ID Center can analyze pictures of mystery pests and provide identification results within two hours.
The National Identification Services (NIS) is the final taxonomic authority for plant pests under APHIS’s Plant Protection and Quarantine programs. NIS is comprised of a team of scientists in botany, entomology, malacology and mycology from Federal research laboratories, State departments of agriculture, land-grant universities and natural history museums across the country.
Pest identification is an essential component of Integrated Pest Management, which emphasizes preventive rather than reactive methods of controlling pest populations. Proper pest identification enables the use of cultural, mechanical or biological controls before using any chemical pesticides. It can also help reduce the risk of developing pest resistance to chemical controls.
To correctly identify a pest, examine the pest for characteristics such as shape, size, color and whether it has wings or antennae. Then compare the pest’s characteristics to the descriptions and images in our Pest Guide. Click on the pest that best matches your description to view more information about that particular species of pest, including habits, threats, signs and how to prevent or control it.
Pest Prevention
Pests are more than just a nuisance; they can spread disease and contaminate food. They can also damage property and create unsafe conditions. Preventing pests requires a holistic approach that includes regular inspections and proactive interventions such as sealing cracks, installing door sweeps and caulking gaps.
Proper sanitation can also prevent pests. This includes wiping surfaces inside and out regularly, washing or sanitizing clothing and other linens, sanitizing dishes and appliances, and keeping garbage cans closed. The best method of prevention, however, is to remove potential food, water and shelter sources for pests. This can include storing food in sealed plastic or glass containers, disposing of trash promptly, and removing clutter and other potential hiding spots.
Pest control methods include traps, baits, physical removal and exclusion, and biological methods. Biological pest controls are natural methods that use predators or parasites to reduce pest populations. Some of these methods take a bit longer to work, but they don’t use chemicals and can be less damaging to the environment. Physical removal methods are effective for small infestations and target the pest’s entry points, such as a crack or crevice. Lastly, exclusion can be used to keep pests from entering a space by making sure that the entrance is sealed and that there are no open windows or vents.
Educating yourself about the life cycle of pests can help you decide when and how to intervene. It is important to understand the stages of a pest’s life, including egg, larva, pupa and adult, as some treatments are only effective at certain stages.
It is also important to know the characteristics of a particular pest and its habitat to determine what kind of preventive measures are necessary. This information will help you develop a strategy that minimizes harm to people, pets and the surrounding environment. It is critical to always follow the instructions and safety warnings on pesticide labels, and never apply more than the recommended amount. The most successful pest management programs begin with pest prevention, which empowers the user to take control of their situation without using harmful chemicals.
Pest Control Products
Pest control products can be helpful in eliminating infestations of many different kinds of insects and rodents. Professionals use chemicals and sprays to treat both interior and exterior areas. They also may apply baits and traps to control certain pests. The types of chemicals used depend on the nature and severity of the infestation.
Some sprays are formulated to kill a wide range of common household pests, such as ants and roaches. Others are effective against specific pests, such as bed bugs and fleas. Foggers are another type of product used to quickly and easily control insect infestations.
Termiticides are often used to eliminate termite infestations, including those in wall voids and behind walls. They are typically applied as liquids to soil or wood surfaces. Some examples include Premise, Termidor SC and HE, Cyper TC, Baseline Pre-Treat, Demon TC, Tengard SFR, and Times-Up. Some pest control companies also use baiting systems to control termite populations. Some examples include the Sentricon and Hex-Pro Systems, Advance Bait System, and Smartdisk Firstline Baiting System.
In addition to using pesticides, professional exterminators also use a variety of tools and equipment to help them perform their jobs safely and effectively. This includes safety gear such as gloves, respirators, and helmets. These protect the hands, head, and face from chemical and pesticides and help prevent spills and injuries from falls or flying debris. Other equipment used by pest control professionals includes hoses and backpack sprayers for applying treatments, as well as foamers to apply sprays in tight spaces where liquids can’t reach.
Some sprays have long residual effects, meaning they continue to kill pests for weeks or even months after application. They are often combined with other pest control methods, such as traps or baits, to ensure that pests don’t have a chance to develop resistance to the chemical.
Before using any pest control product, read and follow the label’s directions and safety warnings. Whenever possible, choose ready-to-use pesticides that don’t require any mixing. Also, keep all products out of the reach of children and pets.
When using any kind of pesticide, follow all local and state laws regarding storage, disposal, and proper handling. It is best to leave the use of pesticides to trained and licensed professionals, especially when dealing with dangerous chemicals.
Pest Control Services
Pest control services are offered by many companies that specialize in the removal and extermination of unwanted pests. These services can include a thorough inspection of the property, identification of the pests, and the application of appropriate treatments to eliminate or prevent them from returning. Pest control services can be effective in eliminating a variety of pests including termites, ants, bed bugs, fleas, ticks, and rodents.
The benefits of using pest control services can be significant, especially for homeowners and businesses that have a serious problem with these unwanted guests. Pests can damage a home or business and reduce its value, as well as create health hazards for people who live or work in the building. Some pests can even carry disease, which can pose a health risk for people and animals. Pest control can help eliminate these pests and protect people, property, and reputations.
Before hiring a pest control service, people should do some research to find out which companies are reliable and have the proper qualifications. This should include determining whether or not the company has a license to provide pest control services in the area, and contacting organizations like the Better Business Bureau and state departments of agriculture to see if any complaints have been filed against the company. People should also ask the company if they use certified applicators who are trained to use pesticides properly. Lastly, people should make sure that the company provides copies of all pesticide labels and understands how each product is used to treat specific pests.
In order to prepare for the arrival of a pest control specialist, it is recommended that people clear out clutter, seal cracks and crevices, and remove any food sources that might attract pests to the house. Taking these steps can greatly reduce the chance of a pest infestation in the future and may even save people money on their pest control bills. It is also important to know that pest control is an ongoing process, and people should be prepared to make regular follow-up visits with a pest control professional to keep the pests away.
How Roofing Installation Can Increase Your Home’s Value

A dumpster and the roofing contractor’s vehicles will be parked in your driveway, so you should move any cars or movable sculptures ahead of time. The roofers will lay tarps over bushes and shrubbery to keep debris from damaging landscaping.
The next step is to install underlayment, which self-sticks and prevents ice dams, strong winds, and moisture from damaging the framing and sheathing of your house. Then, ridge vents and hip and ridge shingles are installed.
1. Increase Your Home’s Value
One of the best ways to increase your home’s value is by installing a new roof. A new roof can add up to 10% to the overall value of your home, making it a valuable investment. In addition, a new roof can also help to save money on energy costs, which can be appealing to potential buyers.
When deciding to hire a contractor for your roofing installation project, be sure to get multiple quotes and compare prices before making a decision. However, be aware that requesting competing quotes may delay your project since the contractors will need to schedule you at their most convenient times. In addition, the contractor may already have another customer with the same timeline, which could mean that you have to wait until they can accommodate you.
If your current roof is in poor condition, a new roof can make your home more attractive to prospective buyers and boost its resale value. A new roof can also protect your belongings from the elements and improve energy efficiency, which can be appealing to eco-conscious buyers.
The type of roofing materials you choose will also impact your home’s resale value. Consider clay, slate or metal roofing for a more stylish look and increased durability.
Whether your roof is being installed for a new construction or re-roofing project, the first step in the process is to prep your home. Your contractor will lay tarps over any nearby plants and sculptures, park the dumpster in your driveway, and sweep the roof. It is also helpful to move movable objects into the garage ahead of time, as these items will likely be moved around during the project. In addition, be sure to identify any air conditioning, plumbing or electrical lines that are installed too close to the roof decking. It is possible that a nail can hit these lines during the re-roofing process.
2. Increase Energy Efficiency
The roof is a critical component of any building, providing protection from wind, rain and snow. But it also plays a significant role in maintaining a comfortable climate inside buildings and can greatly reduce energy costs and consumption. Energy-efficient roofing offers a wide range of benefits to homeowners and businesses alike, especially in areas like Fort Worth, Arlington, Grapevine and Keller where the weather can vary dramatically.
One of the most significant ways a new roof can improve energy efficiency is by decreasing air leakage. Leaky roofs allow hot or cold air to escape, forcing heating and cooling systems to work overtime. A quality roofing installation can prevent this by ensuring that the shingles and ventilation system are properly sealed.
A new roof can also increase energy efficiency by using materials designed to reflect solar heat rather than absorb it. This can significantly reduce air conditioning costs in warm-weather areas by lowering the surface temperature of the home. A local roofing contractor can advise homeowners on the best energy-efficient roofing options for their specific climate and home design.
A quality roofing installation can also ensure that the attic is well-ventilated to avoid hot or cold air becoming trapped in the space, forcing heating and cooling systems to work harder. A proper roof installation can include a ventilation system and a layer of insulation to promote airflow and reduce energy costs.
3. Increase Your Home’s Appearance
The exterior of your home is the first thing that people see and the way it looks can tell them what to expect inside. That’s why you want to put your best foot forward with a roof that is not only durable and energy efficient but also adds value and beauty. There are many options for color and materials when re-roofing. Choosing warmer tones can make brickwork really shine while cooler colors pair well with modern homes. Some roofing manufacturers offer premium shingles that can give you even more curb appeal and even higher resale values.
The first thing you should know before tackling a roofing project yourself is that you must be comfortable on a ladder. It’s not something to be rushed and it requires you to have a good eye and be physically fit. It’s also not a good idea to have an amateur do the work because you could run into issues such as missing or misaligned shingles. It’s important to hire a professional to ensure quality roofing installation and avoid any unnecessary mistakes or damage.
4. Increase Your Home’s Value
A new roof is an excellent way to increase the resale value of your home. However, the ROI of this renovation varies depending on many factors, including local market conditions and the type of roofing material used. To maximize your return on investment, select a durable, aesthetically pleasing, and sustainable roofing material. If you’re not comfortable climbing a ladder and laying down shingles, consider hiring a professional.
In addition to increasing your resale value, a new roof can also help you avoid expensive repairs and maintenance down the road. Potential buyers will be more likely to consider your home if it has a new roof than one that is old or damaged. This will make it easier to sell your home when you decide to do so.
A Career As a Plumber
Every house and building requires a plumbing system to drain away waste water, supply freshwater, and regulate indoor temperature. Plumbers install, repair, and maintain these systems. They also interpret blueprints and plans and work with other tradespeople to construct complex plumbing structures.
A plumber’s career offers good pay and steady work. However, it is a physically demanding job that involves heavy lifting and working in tight spaces. Contact Plumbers Lexington now!

Plumbers are responsible for various tasks, including installing, repairing, and maintaining plumbing systems. They may also inspect and test plumbing equipment to ensure compliance with building codes. Plumbers frequently work directly with customers, so they must have excellent customer service skills and be able to explain complex issues in simple terms. In addition to their technical expertise, plumbers must be able to follow detailed written and oral instructions and keep accurate records.
A job description for a plumber should include a clear and concise outline of the role’s duties, qualifications, and compensation. It should also clearly state whether the position is full-time or part-time and permanent or temporary. This information will help recruit applicants who fit the company’s culture and budget well.
The primary duties of a plumber are to install and repair water, gas, and sewage lines, as well as fixtures and appliances such as toilets and faucets. They typically work on new construction projects from the start of the design phase, interpreting blueprints and architectural plans to determine the necessary plumbing infrastructure. Plumbers can also be called to perform emergency repairs, which may involve locating and clearing blocked drains or repairing leaky pipes.
Plumber job duties can vary depending on a company’s specific needs. Some positions require the use of special tools, while others simply require a high school diploma and a completed apprenticeship program. A career as a plumber can provide excellent job security and many opportunities for advancement.
One of the best parts of being a plumber is the sense of job satisfaction that comes from knowing you’re making a difference in people’s lives. The physical demands of the job are challenging in some ways. Still, it’s satisfying to know that your efforts help to maintain a healthy environment and safeguard the health and safety of your community. The job also provides plenty of opportunities for professional growth, and you can even choose to become a journeyman plumber or own your own business if you want to.
Education and Training Requirements
A career as a plumber takes physical skill and mental proficiency, especially when it comes to basic math, measurements, blueprint reading, and an understanding of water flow, pressure, and fluid dynamics. Plumbers need to keep their skills up-to-date, so taking continuing education courses is a must. This will also ensure that they are using the latest tools and methods. Taking these courses can also help a plumber stay ahead of the competition and improve their job satisfaction.
Plumbing isn’t for everyone, but it is a highly demanding and rewarding trade that can be a lucrative career path. The skills learned in this career can last a lifetime, and the income potential is high enough to support a family.
To become a licensed plumber, one must first complete an apprenticeship or training program. This typically lasts two to five years, and is a great way to get hands-on experience.
In some states, apprentices are required to take classes through a vocational school or community college in subjects like plumbing codes, pipefitting, and plumbing system design. These programs are generally much less expensive than enrolling in a full degree program, and can still give you the necessary skills to advance in your career.
After completing an apprenticeship or training program, you must then pass a state-specific examination to receive your journeyman plumber license. This process can vary in length and requirements between different states, but most will require you to have at least 8,000 hours of work experience supervised by a master plumber.
A licensed plumber can then go on to work as a general contractor, run his or her own business, or specialize in a particular field of plumbing. For example, plumbers who choose to work on industrial, commercial, and institutional (ICI) systems may need more specialized training in areas such as pipe system design and shut-down procedures.
Regardless of which specialty a plumber pursues, all plumbers must complete continuing education courses to maintain their licensure. These courses can be taken through local technical schools, online course providers, or through the state-specific licensing body. Additionally, some cities and counties require master plumbers to take continuing education courses in order to renew their licenses.
Work Environment
Plumbers must be comfortable working in a variety of environments. Those who specialize in residential plumbing can expect to spend the majority of their time responding to emergency calls in people’s homes and installing fixtures and appliances like sinks, toilets, showers, and water heaters. Those who work in commercial settings may be responsible for overseeing the plumbing needs of large buildings and ensuring that the complex systems operate seamlessly to provide enough water and sanitation services for all those occupying the space.
In both settings, plumbers often interact directly with customers and must have excellent customer service skills. This can require patience, clear communication, and the ability to explain complex issues in simple terms. It also involves providing estimates for plumbing jobs and explaining the various options available for repairs and installations. Plumbers who are employed by companies can expect to work regular hours, but those who go into business for themselves can set their own schedules.
Plumbing work can be hazardous, and plumbers must be comfortable working with a variety of dangerous chemicals and materials. This includes sewage, cleaning agents, and other substances that pose health risks. Exposure to these materials can lead to respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other conditions. Plumbers must also be willing to wear protective gear and follow strict safety protocols.
Those who have shown a great deal of skill and dedication to their trade can earn promotion to supervisory positions within their company. These roles can involve coordinating with other employees and managers to ensure that all tasks are completed on time and that quality standards are met. They may also be responsible for scheduling work orders and ensuring that all plumbers adhere to relevant safety protocols.
Some plumbers choose to leave the industry altogether and start their own businesses, which can be a rewarding and lucrative venture for those who are prepared to put in the time and effort. Others pursue advanced training and certification to open up new career opportunities in related industries, such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. This can help them to increase their earning potential and improve the quality of their workmanship.
Depending on their level of expertise, plumbers can earn competitive wages. These wages often include benefits like health insurance and retirement plans, which makes this a desirable career choice for many. In addition, those who opt to become union plumbers can earn even higher salaries.
The salary of a plumber depends on a number of factors, including their plumbing school education, the city they work in, and their level of experience (apprentice, journeyman, or master plumber). However, there are ways that plumbers can make more money, such as by getting a promotion or starting their own company.
Entry-level plumbers can expect to earn between $30,000 and $40,000. In some states, this is a minimum wage job. In other states, it is a salaried position with overtime pay and vacation days.
After gaining some experience in the field, plumbers can increase their salary by taking on more complex projects and earning additional certifications. In some cases, plumbers can also negotiate their salary based on living expenses in their area.
A plumber can also make more money by specializing in certain types of projects, such as installing commercial water systems or sewer and drainage systems. This can lead to a higher income, especially in large cities where these projects are in high demand.
Those who enjoy working as part of a team may want to consider becoming a plumbing foreman, where they can supervise and direct other plumbers on larger projects. As a foreman, you will be responsible for assembling and repairing plumbing and water delivery systems for commercial and residential buildings. You will also be responsible for ensuring that all systems comply with state and local building codes.
In addition to the above, some plumbers choose to become plumbing inspectors. In this role, you will inspect plumbing and sewer systems to ensure that they are safe for public use. You will also be required to review construction plans and liaise with project managers to ensure that all deadlines are met. This is a demanding position that requires advanced skills and knowledge of local and state building codes.