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Common Types Of Birth Injuries And How A Lawyer Can Help

Generally, these injuries result from maternal or fetal health issues or difficult labor and delivery. They can also be caused by medical negligence on the part of doctors, nurses, and midwives.

Treatments include medication, assistive devices, therapists, and surgeries. For example, a child with Erb’s Palsy or cerebral palsy can receive physical therapy to help them develop and refine their motor skills. Contact Atlanta Birth Injury Lawyer to learn more.

birth injury

Brain Injury

There are numerous birth injuries resulting from brain damage, including permanent debilitating conditions like cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury. These issues can occur due to maternal conditions, difficult labor, and medical malpractice. Depending on the type of birth injury and the severity, symptoms may change over time improve, worsen, or disappear altogether.

The most common types of brain-related birth injuries are due to oxygen deprivation or lack of blood flow in the brain. The resulting symptoms range from mild to severe and can impact every aspect of your child’s life.

Other birth injuries include meconium aspiration syndrome, which occurs when an infant breathes stool into its lungs during delivery. This can lead to respiratory problems or even death in some cases. Infant torticollis is caused by pressure on the infant’s neck and head during the delivery process. The result is a tilted or twisted head and can be the cause of other birth injuries like Erb’s palsy or Cerebral Palsy.

Other physical birth injuries include brachial plexus injury, which affects the nerves that control movement in the shoulder, arm, and hand. This condition can occur in up to 2.5 out of 1,000 births. Heavier infants, those born in the breech position, or during an assisted delivery are more likely to suffer from this type of birth injury. Some children with brachial plexus injury need treatment, but most recover on their own or with therapy.

Erb’s Palsy

A network of nerves in the neck called the brachial plexus provides movement and sensation to the arms. An injury to this system can cause weakness or paralysis in the shoulder or arm. It often results from medical errors during delivery. In most cases, a child’s Erb’s palsy is temporary and resolves itself within three months. However, severe or prolonged damage to the nerves can result in permanent disability and affect a child’s daily activities.

This condition is most likely to occur during a difficult labor or a vaginal breech birth. It can also happen if the doctor has to shift the baby’s head to one side as it emerges from the birth canal or pushes too hard to get a stubborn infant out of the birth canal.

These movements can strain the shoulders and stretch the brachial plexus nerves. The least severe type of this condition is known as neurapraxia, which means the nerves are stretched but not torn or damaged. The more serious types of Erb’s palsy are those that cause permanent weakness or paralysis of the shoulder and arm.

A lawyer who is skilled in birth injury law can help parents pursue monetary compensation to cover treatment expenses. This can include physical therapy, medication, surgery, and other costs. An attorney can also hold negligent medical professionals accountable to prevent them from harming other children in the future.

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a severe type of birth injury that affects the parts of your child’s brain that control movement, posture, balance, and other motor functions. In some cases, this is caused by a problem with the skull or brain tissue that develops in the first few days or weeks after your child’s delivery. In other cases, it is the result of medical malpractice or negligence by a healthcare professional in the delivery room.

Symptoms of cerebral palsy include trouble moving, difficulty with posture, and sometimes seizures or speech problems. These symptoms may also impact your child’s emotions or self-esteem. Many things can cause a birth injury, such as problems with the uterus, the umbilical cord, or the brain. However, many of these injuries are preventable if the healthcare team follows standard procedures during the labor and delivery process.

The good news is that most birth injuries are temporary, and many babies improve on their own after a few weeks. However, other birth injuries can have permanent effects, such as Erb’s palsy or spinal cord injury. These can lead to significant challenges, even if your child’s condition improves with treatment. Getting help from an experienced lawyer is often the best way to protect your family’s interests and ensure you receive compensation for your child’s care. A free case review is the first step in finding out how a lawyer can help you.

Spinal Cord Injury

Injuries to a newborn’s spinal cord can be extremely severe. These injuries are typically caused by traction or twisting during labor and delivery that puts pressure on the spinal cord. When this happens, it can lead to nerve damage that causes paralysis and disability.

Heavier babies have a greater chance of experiencing this type of injury due to the difficulty they have in exiting the birth canal. They also have an increased risk of shoulder dystocia and other complications that can cause this type of injury.

Spinal cord injuries can also happen when the mother’s pelvis has an abnormal shape that makes it difficult to deliver a baby. Other risks include prolonged labor and the use of forceps during the delivery process.

Other common physical birth injuries include fractures and nerve damage. Fractures may include the clavicle (colloquially called “the collar bone”), femur, and ribs. The most common fracture is a clavicle fracture that occurs in up to 15 per 1,000 live births. Nerve damage, such as facial nerve and brachial plexus injuries, is more common and is often associated with a traumatic birth. These types of injuries are sometimes caused by medical malpractice, which includes negligence in recognizing and responding to fetal distress, improperly diagnosing the condition, or using delivery instruments too forcefully. A consultation with a lawyer can help you determine whether your child’s birth injury was avoidable and could have been prevented.

Shoulder Dystocia

Shoulder dystocia happens when the baby’s shoulder becomes stuck inside the mother’s pelvic bone during delivery. It is a serious problem that can lead to major complications for both the mother and the child if not handled properly. Most doctors recognize this issue right away and provide immediate medical intervention so that the baby can be safely delivered. However, if a doctor fails to act quickly enough or acts negligently during this difficult process, both the mother and baby can suffer severe injuries that may last for life.

One of the most common signs of shoulder dystocia is that the baby’s head retracts like that of a turtle, which is known as the “turtle sign.” This is an emergency because the infant cannot breathe unless the obstetrician can release the anterior shoulder from the mother’s pubic bone. If the obstetrician fails to do so, the baby can die from oxygen deprivation.

In addition, excessive force during delivery can stretch and damage the upper brachial plexus nerves, which supply the motor and sensory components of the arm, hand, and fingers. This is a permanent injury that causes numbness, tingling, and pain in the affected area for the rest of the patient’s life. Doctors can reduce the risk of this injury by avoiding using pitocin (a synthetic form of oxytocin) to induce labor and speed up delivery. They should also avoid using forceps and vacuum extraction during the birthing process, which can increase the chance of shoulder dystocia.

Birth Trauma

Some birth injuries are minor, but others can be very serious and cause lifelong complications. These can affect the child’s ability to move, feel, and use their body. They can also have a long-term impact on the mother, and the entire family.

A spinal cord injury interrupts the signals that allow a baby to control their limbs. This can cause the muscles in their arms and hands to weaken. Generally, these injuries are due to a doctor pulling on the neck and head too hard during delivery.

Babies may have spinal cord injuries due to being born in a breech position, having too much weight, and undergoing a Cesarean section. In these cases, the doctors need to be careful not to pull too hard, as this can lead to spinal cord damage.

The brachial plexus nerves send signals to the hand, arm, and shoulder. If these are injured, a child might have Erb’s palsy (brachial plexus palsy). This condition causes partial paralysis in the arm and shoulder. Most children make a full recovery with the help of physical and occupational therapy.

Depending on maternal and infant conditions, as well as external factors like medical negligence, some birth injuries are more severe than others. Some are caused by direct trauma to the brain, while others are due to a lack of oxygen during the birthing process, known as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Other common birth injuries include spinal cord and shoulder dystocia.

Why Gutter Cleaning Is Recommendable

Gutter Cleaning Sarasota FL is a dangerous job that should be left to professionals who know how to do it safely. They can also inspect gutters and identify any issues before they turn into major problems like sagging, leaks, and pest infestation.

Gutter Cleaning

It is important to remember that gutters can become clogged with leaves, pine needles, twigs, and debris. This can lead to damage to the roof, siding, and foundation of your home.

Gutters play a crucial role in funneling water away from the roof and foundation of your house. However, if they become blocked, it can cause serious damage to the structure of your home and lead to expensive repairs. To avoid this, it is recommended to get your gutters cleaned regularly. This maintenance activity helps ward off water damage to the walls and foundation of your home, keeps pests at bay, and improves your overall building safety.

Gutter cleaning involves removing dirt, leaves, and debris from your gutters and downspouts. This is a messy job that requires a ladder and may be dangerous if you’re not careful. It is recommended to hire a professional for this task as they have the proper equipment and experience. They will also ensure that the entire system is free from blockages, and inspect it for any repairs needed.

Clogged gutters can be a breeding ground for mold, mildew, and other harmful organisms. They can also corrode and over time lead to the need for replacement. Regular gutter cleaning prevents these issues from occurring and extends the lifespan of your gutters.

In addition to preventing mold and mildew, gutter cleaning can help minimize basement flooding. Blocked gutters overflow and spill rainwater around the foundation of your house, which can then seep into the basement. This can cause water damage to your furniture, electronics, and other valuables stored in the area. Gutter cleaning prevents this from happening by ensuring that all rainwater is channeled away from the building.

Leaving your gutters to collect debris will eventually lead to a complete blockage. Over time, this can cause damage to the shingles of your roof and weaken the structure of your home. This can be very costly to repair and may even require the replacement of your whole roof.

The best time to do gutter cleaning is in the spring and fall when the trees on your property are not producing leaves. This will eliminate the risk of leaves falling into the gutters and causing a clog. Keeping up with your gutter cleaning routine will also help you save money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs and replacements.

Clogged Gutters

The main purpose of gutters is to channel water off your roof and away from the foundation of your home. If your gutters become clogged, they won’t be able to do their job. This can lead to a variety of problems, including basement flooding, mold growth and pest infestations.

Clogged gutters can also cause damage to your home’s roof and siding. Water that pools inside your gutters can stain or erode the surface of your roof, causing it to lose granules and eventually degrade or collapse. In addition, the pooled water can leak into your house through the gutters and downspouts, causing water damage to walls, ceilings, floors and other parts of the house.

Gutters that are clogged with leaves, twigs and other debris can also be a breeding ground for pests. Moss, mold and other fungi grow easily in wet environments, and they are irresistible to insects like termites and carpenter ants, who love to make their homes in wet, wooden environments. If left untreated, a pest infestation in your gutters can destroy the structure of your home.

One of the most serious issues that can result from clogged gutters is water damage to your foundation. When water is unable to flow properly through your gutter system, it can rot the wood and cause cracks in the foundation of your home. Clogged gutters can also cause basement flooding, which can ruin carpeting, furniture and other belongings that are stored in the basement.

To prevent clogged gutters, trim any overhanging branches that may be causing them. Additionally, install gutter screens or downspout filters to help catch any small debris that might fall into the gutters. Finally, commit to a regular maintenance schedule for your gutters by scheduling monthly inspections and cleanings.

If you are unable to clear a clog by hand, consider using a plumbing snake to break up the clumps of debris in your gutter downspouts. Start at the top of the downspout opening and slowly rotate the snake through the clog, being careful not to damage the gutter spout. Once you have cleared the clog, flush out the gutter downspout with a garden hose to remove any remaining dirt and debris.

Water Damage

A clogged gutter can cause water damage to your house. This is because water can overflow the gutter and spill onto your roof. It can also enter the house through open windows and doors. This can cause serious problems for your home, including rotting wood, mold growth, mildew and other moisture-related issues. Mold spores can trigger allergies and respiratory illnesses in people and pets. Water damage can also ruin furniture, electronics and other valuables that are housed in the basement. Gutter cleaning prevents this from happening by keeping the gutters clean and ensuring that rainwater is properly funneled away from the house.

Gutters and downspouts are designed to safely divert water from a home’s foundation and exterior siding through underground drainage pipes. However, if the gutters become clogged with debris, they can’t do this. As a result, water may overflow the gutters and pour onto the ground or down the side of the house. This can cause foundation cracks and other structural issues that are expensive to repair.

In addition, water that overflows from a clogged gutter can damage or destroy landscaping and outdoor structures such as sheds and fences. It can also cause mud to seep into the basement and corrode electrical wiring and outlets. It can also create a moist environment in attics and crawl spaces where mold and mildew can thrive.

Gutter cleaning can help you avoid these costly repairs by ensuring that the gutters are free of clogs, debris and other contaminants. It’s important to choose a company that has experience in gutter cleaning and can provide you with a high-quality service. You can choose a company that offers a range of services, including gutter protection systems.

Gutters are a vital part of your home’s drainage system. However, they can easily be neglected if they are not cleaned regularly. This is because they are difficult to access, require a ladder and can be dangerous to climb. A clogged gutter can lead to a variety of issues, including water damage, basement flooding, mold and mildew. It is therefore important to clean your gutters regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly.

Pest Infestation

When gutters become full of debris, they provide a habitat for pests and rodents. This can lead to an infestation and damage the home. Regular gutter cleaning helps prevent pests from infesting the house by keeping them away from the debris. Using deterrents like plant-based natural deterrents, motion-activated sprays, essential oils, and downspout rodent guards can help protect the home from pests.

Gutter pests, such as mosquitoes, flies, ants, and wasps, are attracted to the moist environment and decaying organic materials of clogged gutters. They breed in the stagnant water and can introduce allergens into the home. Mosquitoes are particularly problematic as they carry diseases such as dengue fever, West Nile Virus, and malaria.

Rodents, such as squirrels, rats, and mice, are also known to nest in clogged gutters. Over time, they can cause significant damage to the roof and walls of the house. They may gnaw through wires, insulation, and wood, leaving holes and exposed areas that can lead to rot. They can also carry and spread leptospirosis, hantavirus, and other diseases.

Rodents are able to get into the house by climbing over or chewing through the overhanging trees and shrubs that support their nests in the gutters. They can then cause further damage by gnawing through the siding and roofing. They can even break down the roof shingles and create leaks.

Regular gutter inspections and maintenance are important for the health of the home and the yard. A regular schedule of cleaning and inspections can help reduce the need for pest control and other costly repairs. Taking steps to keep the gutters free from debris, including trimming overhanging trees and shrubs, can help reduce the amount of material that enters the gutters.

Regular gutter maintenance should include inspections of the downspouts as well. Downspouts should be angled and long enough to ensure that rainwater flows away from the foundation of the house, not down into it. If they are not properly angled, the water can wash away soil, seep into the basement, or attract insects. Downspouts should be secured to the house with metal clips.